
Mathematics For Machine Learning

Posted by: Jaspreet

Last Updated on: 03 Oct, 2022

Vectors & Matrices



Why Linear Algebra (or infact, Mathematics)?

Foundation of Machine Learning:

foundation_of_ml Credits: Mathematics for Machine Learning

What are these blocks and how are they supporting Machine Learning?
Machine Learning works on Data. We can represent data either in Natural Language form, e.g. Words and alphabets, or we can represent data in a Numerical form, i.e. numbers.
Collection of Numerical data can be represented as Vector, and a table of Vectors is called as Matrix


And, the study of vectors and set of rules that can be applied to them in order to manipulate them is called as Linear Algebra, one of the block in the bottom layer of Machine Learning foundation figure.

When provided with 2 vectors or matrix, we often would want to learn about those 2 vectors or matrices, i.e. to know what kind of realationship exsists between them. One way of knowing the relationship between 2 such vectors or mtrices could be finding out about the similarity between them. And Analytic Geometry (another supporting block from figure above) deals with the study and finding out of similarities.

While working with Machine Learning, and making predictions, we often want to know of the certanities or confidence of the predictions. Probability Theory helps to quantifiy the uncertainity of Machine Learning's algorithms.

Machine Learning algorithms are trained to find solution via model training. Training is about finding the right value of parameters that maximizes the performance measure. And many optimization techniques require the concept of a gradient, which tell us the direction in which to find the optimal solution, i.e. optimized paramter or optimal cost function value. It is achieved using Vector Calculus
ordered_vectors Credits:

Moreover, to better understanding of a matrix, in terms of its intuitive interpretation, helps in various operations of machine learning, thus we need Matrix Decomposition for better interpretation of Matrices (and thus data) and more efficient learning.

Using all these foundation of mathematics, i.e. the lower part of the figure above, Machine Learning algorithms can be built and used to solve different kind of problems. One very common among all is Linear Regression, First Pillar in the diagram above. Linear Regression is a linear approach for modelling the relationship between a scalar response and one or more explanatory variable.

Other application can be Dimensionality Reduction,third pillar in the figure, to find a compact, lower dimensional representation of a high dimensional data, which makes it easier to analyze data.
Machine learning can also help in Density Estimation, fourth pillar in the figure, to find a probability distribution that describes the given dataset.
Dimensionality Reduction & Density Estimation are both unsupervised learning i.e. they don't have labels associated with the dataset. However in Density Estimation we're not looking to achieve a lower dimensional data representation, but a density model that describes data.

Linear Algebra

Algebra: When trying to work around intuition, it's common to make use of symbols or set of symbols i.e. objects, and apply some rules to manipulate the objects. This is known as Algebra
Linear Algebra: Study of vectors and set of rules that can be applied to manipulate them. It provides a language to understand space, elements in a space, and manipulation of space.

Vectors: In field of computer science, Vectors are ordered list of numbers, sometimes also refered as array or lists. Vectors are called as Ordered list because, Order of the elements in the list matters. E.g. if we have a vector representing the attributes of a house, i.e.

  1. area in square feet
  2. number of rooms
  3. number of bathrooms
  4. price of the house

then it can be represented as:


However, if we were to not follow a order, while writing the elements of our house vector, than the representation and meaning that is held by our house-vector, to represent some values or attribute of a house breaks and makes no practical sense. E.g.


Also, in mathematics Vector could be anything that satisfies the notion of addition and/or multiplication

Vector has a tail, a head & the co-ordinates, i.e. how to reach from tail to its head.
02_Vector_00_1 I.e. Co-Odrinates are simply the way to reach the head of the Vector, i.e.
02_Vector_00_2 So, we will first move 2 point on x-axis, and then 3 point on y-axis, to reach from tail to head of a vector

Lets suppose we have 2 vectors,  a ⃗  & b   ( vectors are denoted byover thier name ), with following co-ordinates in a space:

Being able to add 2 vectors would mean, lets suppose you had to walk a path, then walking the path in vector a means walking from the tail of vector a to it head. And similarly for vector b.

However, addition of  a ⃗  & b  , you have to walk from tail of  a ⃗  to its top, and from its top begins the tail of  b ⃗ , and you have to walk from tail of vector b to top of  b ⃗ , which could be symbollically be represented as:

Another way of depicting the final destination of the above formed path would be: 02_Vector_03

Thus, the shortest path from the source (usually origin, or the point where x-axis and y-axis interesect) to destination is the addition of a ⃗  and b ⃗  can be represented directly as: 02_Vector_04

Or simply:

Other than Addition, Vectors also support Multiplication. Vector multiplication are equivalent to Stretching or Shrinking of vectors, e.g. if we have a  v⃗   

And we multiply  v⃗    with 2, the vector gets transformed to

Here, the vector has been stretched to become twice of its actual size as it was multiplied by 2. Similar thing will occur if the same vector get multiplied by 0.5, i.e. it becomes half of its original size (shrinks)

But what happend if the vector is multiplied by a negative number? First it will get flipped, as the sign is negative, and then it will get multiplied by the number

This process of stretching and shrinking of vectors is called as Scaling, and the number used to perform the scaling operation is called as Scalers, i.e. 2 or 0.5 in above example.

Mathematically, the Scalers and the operation of Scaling is expressed as

System of Linear Equations

Fundamental problem of Linear Algebra: Solve a system of Linear Equations


This equation can be broken down into:

  1. Matrix of Coefficients
  2. Vector of Unknowns
  3. Result Vector


We're interested to work on System of Linear Equation because we want to find the Solution of System(Vector of Unknowns in above picture), i.e. what satisfies the system (set of Equation).


  1. Why Linear Algebra
  2. Linear Algebra
  3. System of Linear Equations
  4. Refrence