
SQL Language

Posted by: Jaspreet

Last Updated on: 09 Oct, 2021

Window Functions


Create A Practice Database in SSMS

To install MS SSMS visit the installation page for details on downloading and installation

Insert Records Into Newly Created Tables

Run the below query to create the database we would be working on: Run the below provided query to create the table we would be working on:

1) GroupBy

When using Group By() for a column, for each unique entry in that column, the aggregate function is applied
Pay attention, to use Group By, we need to use Aggregate function for rest of the columns mentioned in the SELECT statement

But what if, we needed to display the whole table, i.e. SELECT * FROM Table_Name, and along with it, wanted to apply aggregate function
We dont wish to Group By at any column, we wish to display the whole table, and still, want to make use of Aggregate Function
Here, OVER() comes to our rescue

Window functions

Before begining, a great introduction about window functions:

But what good is that newly created column, if it repeats just 1 value throughout?
Thus, lets create more windows, i.e. lets Partion the window. Assume, we want to create separate windows for each state, then what we need is a window which has separate Partion for each State: Partion By(State)

A good video about Partitions:

More vides from the same playlist

But, what about a situation where we don't have to group at a level, but perform calculation at a level; for various windows insisde a table?

One common use case of such a situation is, Calcualtion of Running Total or Average
Running total is, cumulative sum of all previous row State Level Running Total

Preceding and Following

Row Number, Rank & Dense Rank

Cume Dist & Percent Rank

  • percent_rank returns a number from 1 to 0. The highest being 1 and the lowest 0
  • cume_dist will return a number from 1 towards 0 but never 0


Lag and Lead: These functions allow you to examine the next or previous row, may then compare this value to the current row

Unbounded Preceding

nth_value: Gives the nth-value, after the current row
nth_value will return the nth_value, but if we do not specify a range it will return null if the current value is less than the nth. If we always want something displayed we need to specify a range

ntile: ntile(n) divides the group into n equal partitions and denotes which partition each row is in