
Recommended Learning Resources

Posted by: Juspreet51

Last Updated on: 24 July, 2023

Natural Language Processing: Courses



  1. RNN Architecture & Working
    1. A friendly introduction to RNNs : Serrano.Academy
    2. RNNs Clearly Explained!!! : StatQuests
  2. LSTM
    1. Understanding LSTM Networks: Colah's Blog
    2. Analytics Vidhya: Introduction to LSTMs
  3. Bhavesh Bhatt
    Natural Language Processing
  4. nGrams
    Why Do We Need Them -
  5. Embeddings
    1. Word Embedding :
    2. Word Embedding and Word2Vec : StatQuest
    3. Text Embeddings :
  6. Ritvikmath:
  7. Jay Alammar
    The Illustrated Word2vec
  8. Serrano.Academy
    Latent Dirichlet Allocation (Part 1 of 2)
  9. MIT Courses
    1. RNN, Transformer & Attention by MIT 6.S191
    2. MIT 6.S191 (Introduction to Deep Learning) Playlist


  1. Mechanics of Seq2seq Models With Attention : Jay Alammar
  2. Co-Sine Similarity :
  3. The Attention Mechanism & How It Works
      1. Encoder
      2. Decoder
      3. Putting Encoder - Decoder Together
    4. Attention Mechanism :


  1. The Illustrated Transformer: Jay Alammar
  2. The Transformer Model : MachineLearningMastery
  3. The Transformer Neural Network: StatQuest
  4. The Illustrated Retrieval Transformer : Jay Alammar
  5. CodeEmporium Transformer Playlist
  6. Sentence Transformers and Embeddings :


  1. A Visual Guide to Using BERT for the First Time: Jay Alammar
  2. The Illustrated BERT, ELMo, and co. : Jay Alammar
  3. BERT YTube Playlist : Bhavesh Bhatt

LLMs & Hugging Face

  1. FineTuning PreTrained Model : HuggingFace
  2. Hugging Face Pre-trained Models - Find the Best One for Your Task: Neptune.AI
  3. HuggingFace NLP Tutorials : Bhavesh Bhatt
  4. LLMs: Application through Production : Databricks YTube Playlist


  1. How to Deploy NLP Models in Production : Neptune.AI
  2. Deploying Large NLP Models : Infrastructure Cost Optimization: Neptune.AI
  3. Building a Sentiment Classification With BERT Embeddings : Neptune.AI
  4. Building MLOps Pipeline for NLP: Machine Translation Task by Neptune.AI

Other Bookmarks

  1. string2string by StanfordNLP
  2. Free NLP resources & courses by Kaggle-> Kamal Das
  3. Roadmap to Master NLP in 2022 by Analytics Vidhya

Reccommended NLP Collections

  1. StatQuest NLP Videos
    1. RNN
    2. LSTM
    3. Word Embedding and Word2Vec
    4. Sequence-to-Sequence (seq2seq) Encoder-Decoder
    5. Attention for Neural Networks
    6. Transformer Neural Networks
  2. CodeEmporium Transformer Playlist
    1. Vectors In Transformer Neural Networks
    2. Self Attention in Transformer Neural Networks
    3. Multi Head Attention in Transformer Neural Networks
    4. Positional Encoding in Transformer Neural Networks Explained
    5. Layer Normalization EXPLAINED
    6. Blowing up the Transformer Encoder!
    7. Blowing up Transformer Decoder architecture
    8. Sentence Tokenization in Transformer Code from scratch
    9. The complete guide to Transformer Neural Networks!
  3. Stanford
    1. CS224n : NLP With Deep Learning