
Interview Preparation

Posted by: Jaspreet

Last Updated on: 23 Oct, 2021

Commonly Asked Case Studies


Types of Case Study Problems

  1. Market Entry

    Preliminary Questions: Ask questions reagarding:
    Sample Video:

  2. Growth Strategy

    Preliminary Questions: Ask questions reagarding:

    • generic company facts
    • product portfolio, i.e. identify all types of products available, get thier growth rates & market share to focus in some product only
    • case facts: current performance

    Levers: Move these levers to find the most optimized solution approach:
    • BCG Matrix: Identification of product portfolio, i.e. Product's and Market's growth rates & market share
    • bcg_matrix
    • To derive growth, identify who customers are
    • Ansoff Matrix to improve growth/sales
    • ansoff_matrix

    Sample Video:

  3. Market Sizing

    Preliminary Questions: Ask questions reagarding:

    • Company: Presence in other demographics
    • Consumers: Target Audience
    • Product: SKUs and price segment
    • Competition: Rivals, Market Share, Growth Rate

    • Sales Volume: Calculate Target Region's Population: Total Population -> BPL + MC + UPMC + Rich -> Pick One -> Assume % of potential consumer in that chosen category -> Divide into will_prfer & wont_prefer buckets
    • Annual Spend: Calculate Daily Spends -> Monthly -> Yearly -> and then * will_prfer bucket to get total annual earning from the product in a year

    Sample Video:

  4. Product Development (Uber for elderlys)

    Preliminary Questions: Ask questions reagarding:

    • Objective for development
    • Consumers: potential customer base (age group, demographics, gender)
    • Customer Needs:

    Levers: Customer Journey: Installation; Account Login/Creation; Booking; Ride; Drop Off
    • Ease of Installation
    • Account: Lnaguages; Use with & W/O account creation;
    • Account: Customer specific features
    • Booking:
    • Ride:
    • Drop Off:
    • circles_framework

    Sample Video:

  5. Profitability

    Preliminary Questions: Ask questions reagarding:

    • Problem:
    • Clarity about the problem and Scope of the problem
    • Product:
    • What is the product type and how is it used?
    • Company:
    • Competition:
    • Market Share & competitor's products
    • Sales Channels:
    • Online? Retail? Tie up with other businesses

    • Needs
    • :
    • Awareness
    • : Promotions(Organic & Inorganic) & Influences
    • Affordability
    • : Product Price in comparison to average market price of competitors
    • Accessibility
    • :
    • Experience
    • : Purchase & Usage (function & design)
    Sample Video:

  6. Case Study Name

    Preliminary Questions: Ask questions reagarding:
    Sample Video:

  7. Case Study Name

    Preliminary Questions: Ask questions reagarding:
    Sample Video:


  1. Number of SKUs sold

    Preliminary Questions: Ask questions reagarding:
    Sample Video:

  2. Daily Earning

    Preliminary Questions: Ask questions reagarding:
    Sample Video: