
Neural Networks

Posted by: Jaspreet

Last Updated on: 18 Oct, 2022

Neural Networks: Backpropagation

What is Backpropagation?

Backpropagation is a key algorithm used in training artificial neural networks, and understanding it is essential in the field of machine learning. Let's break it down in a simple and fun way!

Neural networks are like mathematical models inspired by the human brain. They consist of layers of interconnected nodes called neurons. Each neuron takes inputs, performs some calculations, and produces an output. These calculations involve multiplying the inputs by weights and applying an activation function.

Now, imagine you have a neural network that needs to learn how to recognize handwritten numbers. Initially, the network doesn't know which weights to assign to its neurons to make accurate predictions. This is where backpropagation comes in to help it learn.

  • Forward Pass: During the forward pass, the network takes an input, such as an image of a handwritten number, and processes it through its layers. Each neuron calculates its weighted sum of inputs, applies the activation function, and passes the output to the next layer. This process continues until the final layer produces the predicted result.
  • Calculating the Error: Once the network makes a prediction, we compare it to the correct answer, which is called the ground truth. The difference between the predicted output and the ground truth is the error. The goal of backpropagation is to minimize this error and make the network's predictions more accurate.
  • Backward Pass: In the backward pass, the network starts adjusting its weights by propagating the error back through the layers. This is where backpropagation gets its name.
The process goes like this:
  1. Error Gradients: For each neuron in the output layer, we calculate the gradient of the error with respect to its output. This gradient indicates how much changing the neuron's output would affect the overall error.
  2. Updating Weights: The network then adjusts the weights of the neurons in the output layer based on their gradients. This step helps the network correct its predictions by changing the strength of connections between neurons.
  3. Error Backpropagation: The adjusted weights in the output layer are then used to calculate the gradients for the previous layer. This process continues layer by layer, propagating the error gradients backward through the network.
  4. Weight Updates: Finally, the network updates the weights in each layer based on the gradients calculated in the previous step. This updating of weights fine-tunes the network's parameters to reduce the error and improve the accuracy of its predictions.
Iterative Process:
The forward pass, calculating the error, and the backward pass are repeated multiple times, adjusting the weights after each iteration. This iterative process allows the network to learn from its mistakes, gradually reducing the error and improving its predictions.

Through the repeated forward and backward passes, backpropagation enables the network to fine-tune its weights, learning patterns and improving its ability to recognize handwritten numbers or perform other tasks it was trained on.

In summary, backpropagation is an algorithm that enables a neural network to adjust its weights by propagating the error backward through its layers. By iteratively updating the weights based on these error gradients, the network learns to make more accurate predictions over time.

How Backpropagation Calculates and Improves Errors in Neural Network?

Backpropagation calculates and improves errors in a neural network through a process of gradient descent. Let's break it down step by step:
  1. Forward Pass: During the forward pass, the input data is fed into the neural network, and it propagates through the layers, from the input layer to the output layer. Each neuron in the network receives input signals, performs calculations, and produces an output.
  2. Calculating Loss: Once the forward pass is complete and the network produces an output, we compare that output to the desired or ground truth output. The difference between the predicted output and the ground truth is the error or loss. There are various loss functions used depending on the task, such as mean squared error for regression or categorical cross-entropy for classification.
  3. Backward Pass: In the backward pass, the network starts propagating the error gradients back through the layers. This process involves calculating the gradient of the loss with respect to the weights and biases of the neurons in the network.
  4. Chain Rule and Gradient Calculation: To calculate the gradients, the chain rule from calculus is used. The chain rule allows us to find how small changes in the weights and biases of a neuron affect the overall loss. It breaks down the calculation into smaller steps.
    Partial Derivatives: For each neuron in the network, we calculate the partial derivatives of the loss with respect to its weights and biases. These partial derivatives indicate how changing the neuron's weights or biases affects the overall loss.
    Error Propagation: The gradients calculated in the previous step are then propagated backward through the layers of the network. Each neuron receives the gradients from the neurons in the next layer and uses them to calculate its own gradients. This process continues until the gradients reach the input layer.
  5. Weight and Bias Updates: Once the gradients have been calculated for all the neurons, the network updates the weights and biases to minimize the error. This is where the idea of gradient descent comes into play.

Learning Rate: The learning rate is a hyperparameter that determines the step size for weight and bias updates. It controls how much the weights and biases are adjusted based on the calculated gradients.

Weight and Bias Adjustments: The weights and biases of the neurons are adjusted by subtracting a fraction of the gradients multiplied by the learning rate. This adjustment is performed to move the network's parameters in the direction that reduces the error.

Iterative Process: The steps of the forward pass, error calculation, backward pass, and weight updates are repeated multiple times, typically over batches of training data. Each iteration is called an epoch. The repetition allows the network to gradually minimize the error and improve its predictions.

Through this iterative process, backpropagation calculates the gradients of the loss with respect to the weights and biases, and the weight updates gradually adjust the parameters of the network to reduce the error. Over time, the network learns to make better predictions and improve its performance on the given task.

It's worth noting that modern variants of backpropagation, such as stochastic gradient descent (SGD) or adaptive optimization algorithms (e.g., Adam), introduce additional techniques to enhance the training process and improve the convergence of the network.